Welcome Back Maple Tree!
Date: 11th Jan 2024 @ 12:55pm
Welcome back Maple Tree, what a lovely first week back we have had. We have started reading our new story, The Smeds and the Smoos in which we have been exploring new props such as a rocket toy, a water alien toy and enjoyed using the megaphone to make our voices very loud. We have also decorated pictures of different planets using puffy paint, which got extremely messy!
In our Art work this week we have watched an Attention Autism session in which we have decorated a black and white picture of our teachers in class. We watched as our teachers popped balloons filled with paint and glitter over the greyscale pictures. We then took turns to collage our own pictures and draw our own self portraits.
In Numeracy this week we have started the topic of length. This has involved us rolling cars dipped in paint down a ramp to see which one made the shortest and longest tracks. We then went into groups, some of us carried on the activity rolling the cars, some of us drew around our friends and used communication boards to help us talk about our work. Our final group enjoyed playing in a sensory spaghetti tray picking out long and short pieces, again using communication boards to say which piece is long and short.
Well done Maple!